homme perdu
JoinedTopics Started by homme perdu
Earth Doomed
by homme perdu inhave any of you considered that what ever relationship humanity has with god, eventually the earth would be devoured by the sun.
William Miller
by homme perdu in"the great disappointment" of the millerite movement.
in the preceding years, the self-proclaimed baptist preacher william miller had attracted as many as 100,000 followers in new york and massachusetts.
miller boldly predicted that christ would return and engulf the world in fire some time between march 21, 1843 and march 21, 1844. when that didn't happen, he changed the date to october 22. many followers left after that spectacular failure, but enough stayed to form the 7th day adventist movement.
The Rapture
by homme perdu in1859 british minister john nelson darby begins preaching in america.
he would create an ingenious theology known as premillennial dispensationalism, which remains the dominant eschatological system in christianity today.
"dispensationalism" refers to darby's belief that human history can be divided into a series of epochs, or dispensations, in which god has dealt with humanity in different ways.
Origen of Biblical Stories
by homme perdu ini have talk to several people about this topic and i was informed that several stories and character were "borrowed" from other cultures such as the perians and babilonians.
i was informed that the biblical scholars inserted morals into these stories.
i was given the examples of adam and eve, flood of gilgamesh=flood of noah, the devil/beelzebub of persian origen.
NWT Scholars
by homme perdu in.
the book, reasoning from the scriptures does not inform the reader on who are the nwt scholars nor their education background.
could someone provide some information concerning the nwt scholars?
Thats it!
by homme perdu ini accompanied my mother to the meeting yesterday.
in the meeting the new watchtower video was reviewed.
the video was based on moses' relationship with god and people.
Why Jehovah is not included in some Bible.
by homme perdu inthis past saturday i took a trip to the library to find the answer to the thread subject.
according to what i have read the real pronounciation of god's name is lost because of this jews usually identify god as adonai (lord) as a sign of respect.
scholars substituted yhwh with lord.
Hello To All
by homme perdu ini have been raised all my life in the jehovah's witnesses organization.
i am not baptised.
after recently reading reasoning from the scriptures i began to question the organization.